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Moving in the Apostolic: God's Plan for Leading His Church to the Final Victory
Pastor John Eckhardt
Description: Why is the restoration of the apostolic ministry necessary for the church to complete its mission on earth? Pastor Eckhardt reveals how the evangelistic dimension affects the preaching, teaching, worship, prayer, and giving of the local church---and how apostolic leadership will point the way toward fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Read The Greatest Book - The Bible 

 Prophets and the Prophetic Movement: God's Prophetic Move Today Dr. Bill Hamon

Description: An overview of the current move of God, its purpose and place in the church history and the truths and ministries being restored. A 227 page Paperback from Destiny Image.

Prophets, Pitfalls and Principles: God's Prophetic Today
Dr. Bill Hamon has functioned in the office of the prophet for over 38 years and has personally prohesied to more than 25,000 believers and hundreds of prominent leaders. In this book he teaches you to recognize your hidden "root" problems, detect and correct character flaws and "weed seed" attitudes, prove true and false prophetic ministry with the 10 "M's", and learn what has happened since the prophetic ministry began.

The Power of Covenant Prayer
Francis Frangipane
Description: What is the difference between prayer and covenant prayer? A covenant with God takes you further into your goal of Christlikeness. When you make this commitment to consistently communicate with the Father above in prayer, you will begin to see the power of God's grace actively at work in your life and in the lives of those around you. Through this awesome power of covenant prayer, God creates within you a life that He can use extraordinarily in the process of divine redemption.

The Stronghold of God: Finding God's Place of Immunity from Attacks of the Enemy
Description: Although you may be in a place of fear, sin or emotional defeat, your current condition is not a limitation to the Almighty. He has made a way for us. He protects his children in the stronghold of his promise. Once we have found this place of immunity, nothing we encounter in life can defeat us. In every distress or devilish plot set against us, we emerge the better for it. It is the redemptive power of Christ reversing the plans of Satan and annulling the effects of death in our lives.

Aimee Semple McPherson  

Description: (PUBEerdmans)''Sensitive and engaging depiction of the old-time evangelist who mixed piety and pageantry. Outshines all others; recommended,''---Library Journal. Based on previously unavailable documents, it accents her Canadian roots plus ties to the Salvation Army and Pentecostalism. 431 pages, softcover.

Healing Scriptures  Kenneth Hagin

Description: God's anointed word is life and health to you. The Bible says God's Word is medicine to all your flesh. But you need to learn how to take God's medicine in order to get it to work for you. Brother Hagin gives clear instructions on how to take God's medicine--His Word--so it can become healing and health to all your flesh

I Believe in Miracles: Streams of Healing From the Heart of a Woman of Faith
Description: Through incredible testimonies, Kathryn Kuhlman continues to demonstrate God's compassion and awesome power, as she did throughout her life. Discover for yourself the keys to New Life and Victory through the miracle-working ministry of one of God's great servants.

Apostles, Prophets and the Coming Moves of God Bill Hamon

: This book will cover what is happening in the church today. It gives explanation concerning the difference between a sovereign refreshing move of the Holy Spirit and a restorational move of God


The Battle Belongs to the Lord: Defeating Life's Struggles Through Worship   Joyce Meyers
Description: There are many things in the world today that threaten us. To live in fear and anxiety is far removed from the victorious life that God wants to give us. But often our biggest enemy is not "out there" it's "in here," in our hearts and minds. How can we break the strongholds of fear and stop the pattern of destructive thinking? Best-selling author Joyce Meyer shows you how in her new book The Battle Belongs to the Lord: Overcoming Life's Struggles through Worship. Drawing from the Old Testament, Meyer illustrates how Jehosaphat, Gideon, and Elijah came through times of crisis by following God's 4-phase battle plan, allowing Him to fight for them. With God there are no hopeless cases. No matter what you're facing, the battle belongs to the Lord and He always wins it for you.


The Believer's Authority  Kenneth Hagin Jr.
Description: "Do we have authority that we don't know about--that we haven't discovered--that we're not using?" Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin asked himself this question when he was a young preacher. As a result of his studies, he concluded that we as a Church have authority on the earth that we've never yet realized. In this book you will discover: the prayers of Paul, what authority is, how to break the power of the devil, the weapons of our warfare, and how to exercise authority.


The Final Quest Rick Joyner 
Description: Witness the final struggle between Satan's minions and God's saints through the eyes of this modern-day prophet! Joyner's stunning panoramic vision takes you from the front lines of the spiritual battle to the gates of heaven and beyond. An incredible journey that will inspire you to "fight the good fight." 158 pages, softcover from Whitaker.